Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Thoughtful Conversation

This is how it started:

You can have many friends but you merely

find one that can understand you well.


I ll prefer having few best friends, instead of having bunch of hi-bye friends.

In case I don't have friends tat could or willing to understand me well,

I would rather be alone XD hehe =D


Actually,the real thing is no one can understand you better than yourself.

Well,I tried but I don't know why,I just feel want to meet more friends,

I want to have few best friends too but then,

I don't know if it will last long or not.


Hmmm.. I get your point.
Doesn't it seems like I am 'investing' in few,

while you're 'investing' in many. hahaha.. in the investment theory,

You can reduce the risk in that, but in the same time,

it reduces the return,too.

while for me, I ll get back a lot when I am earning,

but might lost all the capital when the market goes down too.

XDDD and I am not ...convincing you to act just like me do,

I am just giving my opinion =)

and I wish you ll found one trustworthy 'invest tool' which

You can put your full heart and effort in it. Good luck, buddy ^^


Yea.That's it.I don't like word-investing.We used that word on someone before,

remember and I don't want to be like that someone.=S

Well,I can't help myself,sometimes people take my concern as extra,they

don't need it and I feel hurt sometimes but still,

I keep moving with it and yes,it might not give me a big

reward but I am kinda satisfied with it...

I told you before right?I got a top list,I pay more concerns

to those is top in my list too.

Just that I can't pick the best among them.I don't know it's good

or not but time will tell.

Thanks.I hope so.=D
You too.=D


haha.. for sure it's just an example to bring out things I want to say.

haha.. don't worry, buddy XD

yaya.. same here.. for those who did goes with me for a period

of time, that I already put them in the so called 'forever best

friends' list in my heart, I wont mind keep putting effort on them,

though they might ignore me at all..><

yaya time ll tell which is the real friend, and sometimes, yuan fen. ^^

I already got le. XD something changes with time but something

doesn't,you know what I mean? XD


It's good to keep a list.It help you to concentrate on those who

need our concerns and give them supports when they need us.

That's what we are,sometimes,I feel like a fool and things are out of control

and people that I love disappointed me.

For example,when I am down,no one was there for me and when

they are down,I am always with them but,

I will forget about it soon enough.

I called myself a fool sometimes for doing that but they still need us.

We will see things clearer as time passed.

It helps us to identity our real friend.=D


I believe that, there ll be someone who is worth for us giving so much ^^
how much we can get back,
it doesn't matter much, as long as we are both happy, that's enough ^^


Yea.That's true.^^

So,am I being stupid?

You tell me.


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