Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A random post

I am supposed to sleep right now
but I decided to update my blog
since I haven't update it for a while.

Oh yeah,the good news for today is
that I am finally done with SB revision.
Like,finally. -__-"
I took about 5 or 6 days to finish it.
Imagine how many days I
need to finish my AnP I revision.
I can't imagine. Tsk.

I actually feel regret for not joining
Kent and the gang for the game.
Because I feel like playing 
ball right now.
I am so random,right? LOL

Speaking of which,
I was having an emotional night back then.
I was thinking of my past.
I was reminiscing.
I miss those days when I was
a foundation student.
Things were simpler back then.
Sometimes I wished that
I can turn back time so that 
I can enjoy it for a little bit longer.

I barely feel asleep last night.
It's not just because I was being emotional.
It's that video that shared by Ger
scared the shit out of me. o_o

Maybe it's time for me to move on.
There is no point for me to linger on my past.
And I am not going to be sorrow forever.
Because I truly believe that
there is always a rainbow after the rains.

Well,it's time to for me to sleep now.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day
and I am going to start on AnP tomorrow.
All the best to me and all of my friends. :)


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