Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mood swing

I slept at 4 last night.
I didn't do my Nutrition tutorial
nor my Anatomy report.
So,what did I do?

I spent 4 hours plus on Facebook+searching
for Photoshop tutorials+searching for the
right DSLR to buy.
It's not like I am getting one for myself
but I just REFUSED to do anything.
So not disciplined at all.
So,what's the point of posting those positive shits
on Facebook?
And how many times I need to tell myself
to wake up?

It just so annoying to have mood swing.
Thanks to Joing,
he made me to think again.
Think about something that bugged me since
the beginning of this semester.
The feeling of being odd one is not something
you can explain by words.
I do enjoyed the days with Queen and Joing
but they are not with me all the time.
And oh yeah,I do mix around with Indians
but the culture gaps are always there.

My very own theme song


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